Your editorial plan isn't working Gambling Email Address for you, click to tweet in simple terms (this does not take into account all the nuances), your strategy must answer these three questions:who are we educating/helping? (note: I didn't say "Targeting" because your goal should be to help. Creating a character is one way to do that.)how Gambling Email Address can we help them in a way no one else can? (this is your content slant.)how will we know we are successful? (these are the business goals of your strategy.)you need to clearly understand the answers to these three questions - and having that clarity isn't as common as you might
Think.In our most recent content Gambling Email Address marketing study, 37% of b2b marketers say they have a documented content marketing strategy, and 38% say they have an undocumented strategy. (I won't talk about the importance of documenting your strategy...But you should.)but few of their strategies have a content mission, a deep understanding of their personas, and content-related goals. If you don't have these things, something is Gambling Email Address wrong. And, while your strategy usually comes from the leadership team, don't make excuses if you don't have one.Your contentmarketing strategy should include a content mission, personas and goals, sayichelelinn. Click to tweethere are some other things to consider:do all team members have the same understanding of strategy? Ask the above three questions to your team
Colleagues and see how consistently Gambling Email Address everyone communicates the strategy.Post simple answers to the three questions on each team member's wall (or near it). You want team members to internalize the answers. I can't stress this enough: if you don't stick to your audience and your mission - focusing on your goals - you will fail.Unlike your plan, your strategy is relatively fixed and will not change often.Hand-chosen related content: roadmap Gambling Email Address to success: the basics of content marketing strategythen comes the editorial planeverything you post and communicate should support the three key elements of your strategy. Each. Single. Thing. And that's where your editorial plan comes in.Your editorial plan is tactical and detailed. It explains what you are going to do and who will