Pixel is the secret weapon for more effective advertising on Facebook. It is worth mentioning that the pixel, although it collects data, does not store it indefinitely. The maximum time range for storing user information is days for a website . More about creating remarketing groups on Facebook in this post. With Facebook s PiXel you can measure the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns, track the behavior of users visiting your website and collect information.
Create highly targeted audiences using the pixel to power your remarketing campaign, including targeting Facebook ads to users similar to your current customers. Thanks to the correctly installed Poland WhatsApp Number List tracking code, which is the Facebook Pixel, you can track events on your website, such as website display, time spent on the site, scrolling depth, adding a product to the basket, purchase yup , and more Are you interested in advertising on Face nstagram and Messanger Check out the.
Verseo Academy and download the Facebook Ads Guide for free Pixel what are its events The basic pixel code shown at the beginning of this article alone does not allow us to track all page interactions. The basic code itself allows you to create groups based on a link URL . This means that you will reach people who have loaded specific links in the browser, e.g. the home page or the Contact tab. However, you cannot reach people who, for example, clicked the add to cart.