The result is that respondents in the UK felt they were less likely that their organization would be hit by an email attack this year. About three in ten 29 believe that risk is very likely or inevitable in 2023 while more than four in ten 43 had predicted such an outcome in 2022. In comparison more respondents in the US and EU 42 believe cyber damage to their business from an email attack will be very likely or inevitable this year than respondents in the UK.
Britons' confidence may be boosted by the fact that ransomware is rare. Just 15 of UK respondents said their company's operations had been significantly impacted by ransomware in the last 12 months Whatsapp Mobile Number List up from 37 in 2021. This compares to 33 of US and 36 of EU companies in the such an impact last year. Another good sign is that the UK has not yet suffered the expected effects of the war in Ukraine according to the UK's National Cyber Security Center NCSC.
Still the agency warned against complacency about this risk noting that the UK is the third most common target of cyberattacks after the US and Ukraine. Board level support on the rise Cyber security is high on the list of priorities for many UK businesses. More than four in five 82 board members and senior executives ranked the issue as a fairly to very high priority for 2022 according to the NCSC up slightly from the previous year.